Common internet terminology that you should know

Common internet terminology that you should know

Many people only learn about common internet terminologies when they get a broadband connection at home. Here’s your opportunity to keep yourself informed and well-versed with common internet terminology. Read on to find out more.

Unlocking the language of the internet: Essential terminology

broadband connection
Broadband is a type of internet connection. You can connect broadband at home through a cable from the central place in the street to your home. This doesn’t mean that broadband can only be used at home. Broadband connections can be found at workplaces, stores and many such places.

Internet service provider
The internet service provider is a business who delivers high-speed internet connection to homes and professional spaces. It includes Excitel, Airtel, Jio, Tata Fiber and many more.

Local area network
A local area network (LAN) is a group of systems with the same high-speed internet connection, within a building like a home, hospital or complex.

Router vs modem
A modem connects your home network to a vast area network (WAN).

A router connects all wired and wireless devices to the internet simultaneously through your local area network (LAN) or Wi-Fi network.

While the router acts like a central hub for your internet connection, the model is the gateway for your broadband. Your internet service provider might provide a modem during installation, which may also have an inbuilt router. You must understand that modem and router are essential for a broadband connection.

On the other hand, Wi-Fi is a wireless connection that distributes broadband to several devices, e.g., laptops, mobile phones and many more. You can connect to the internet through a modem or router.

Bandwidth is the amount of data an internet connection can handle at a time. It is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). When several devices are connected at home, you should have a fast bandwidth speed so there’s no buffering.

Symmetrical/asymmetrical speed
If your internet connection delivers the same speed for uploading and downloading, then it’s symmetrical. If not, your connection is asymmetrical.

Mbps stands for megabits per second, used to measure broadband speed. It means how fast the internet is delivered to your home or business. A megabit represents a million ‘bits’ – tiny data units. 1 Mbps is equal to 1 million bits per second. The higher the number of Mbps, the faster your broadband connectivity will be.

Gbps stands for gigabit per second, used to measure broadband speed, similar to Mbps. You must understand that Gbps is a more significant measurement unit than Mbps.

Speed test
A broadband speed test measures your download speed at a given time. It is the internet speed at which data is transferred between your device and the server.

It’s helpful to run a broadband speed test to help determine whether you’re getting the download speeds as promised by your provider.

Data limit and fair usage policy
Data limit is the amount of data your internet service provider promises for a specific duration, say a month. Many internet operators impose data limits because of a fair usage policy. Fair usage policy allows all customers to use the total bandwidth they are provided with.

A digital subscriber line, DSL, is a standard internet connection that uses copper lines for telephone and modem to transmit data.

Fiber optic cable
Fiber optic cables have thin glass strands that carry data at the speed of light. Though these cables are made of glass, they are weather resistant and don’t get damaged easily.

Fiber broadband
Fiber broadband is the fastest internet connection that delivers data through glass fiber cables. These cables carry data at the speed of light, faster than the traditional copper cable internet.

Now that you know all these common terms, you know where to get your fiber broadband. Yes, visit our website to learn which plan works for your home or business.


  1. What is Excitel internet speed?
    Excitel offers three plans which offer 200, 300 and 400 Mbps, including monthly and yearly subscriptions and OTT offers.
  2. Does Excitel refund the money?
    Excitel refunds the caution deposit you paid during the installation once you withdraw from our services.
  3. Is Excitel better than BSNL?
    Yes, Excitel internet connection is faster than BSNL and is cheaper too.