The Impact of 5G on Broadband – Will 5G Make Fiber Optic Networks Obsolete

The Impact of 5G on Broadband – Will 5G Make Fiber Optic Networks Obsolete

In today’s digital age, fiber optic networks represent the pinnacle of internet technology, offering unparalleled speed, reliability, and connectivity. Fiber optic internet, transmitted through ultra-thin glass or plastic fibers strands, revolutionises online experiences with lightning-fast speeds and minimal latency. As the demand for high-speed internet continues to soar, fiber optic cable internet emerges as the go-to solution for homes and businesses, delivering blazing-fast internet speeds capable of supporting bandwidth-intensive activities such as streaming, gaming, and video conferencing. Coupled with the impending rollout of 5G internet, which promises even faster speeds and lower latency, the future of connectivity is brighter than ever. Excitel, a leading provider, offers cutting-edge fiber optic and 5G broadband plans tailored to meet the diverse needs of consumers, ensuring seamless connectivity and exceptional performance for all.

What is 5G internet?

5G internet, the fifth generation of mobile network technology, marks a significant leap forward in connectivity, offering unprecedented speed, reliability, and responsiveness. Unlike its predecessors, 5G is designed to support many devices and applications, from smartphones and tablets to smart homes and autonomous vehicles, with speeds reaching up to 100 times faster than 4G.

This revolutionary technology relies on a combination of advanced infrastructure, including small cell networks, millimeter-wave frequencies, and massive MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) antennas, to deliver lightning-fast data transfer rates and ultra-low latency. With 5G internet, users can revel in seamless streaming, faster downloads, and immersive online experiences, opening new horizons for innovative solutions in areas such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Quick comparison of Excitel fiber vs. 5G home internet

FeaturesExcitel Fiber5G Internet
SpeedOffers blazing-fast speeds, typically ranging from 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps, depending on the plan.Provides ultra-fast speeds, potentially reaching up to 10 Gbps in ideal conditions.
TechnologyRelies on fiber optic cables for data transmission, ensuring stable and reliable connectivity.Utilizes wireless 5G networks, which may be subject to signal interference and coverage limitations.
LatencyTypically offers low latency, ensuring responsive online experiences for gaming, streaming, and video conferencing.Boasts ultra-low latency, ideal for applications requiring real-time interaction, such as gaming and telemedicine.
CoverageAvailability may be limited to areas with existing fiber optic infrastructure.Offers broader coverage, with the potential for nationwide deployment as 5G networks expand.
InstallationRequires installation of fiber optic cables to premises, which may involve professional installation and setup.Offers easy setup with wireless connectivity, eliminating the need for physical infrastructure installation.
ReliabilityProvides consistent and reliable connectivity, with minimal downtime and signal interference.Reliability may vary depending on signal strength and network congestion, particularly in densely populated areas.
CostOffers competitive pricing, with various plans available to suit different budget and usage requirements.May involve higher initial costs for equipment and setup, with ongoing subscription fees comparable to fiber optic plans.
Future ProspectsFuture-proof technology, with potential for further speed upgrades and expansion of fiber optic infrastructure.Continual advancements in 5G technology may lead to improved coverage, speeds, and compatibility with emerging applications.

Is 5G Cost Effective?

5G installation is a cost-effective alternative to fiber-optic internet due to its wireless nature. Unlike fiber-optic installations, which involve laying physical cables and may require professional assistance, a 5G setup deploys wireless infrastructure such as small cells and antennas. This installation process translates to reduced deployment costs and shorter implementation timelines, making 5G more accessible and economical for both providers and consumers. Additionally, 5G infrastructure is deployed slowly for targeted expansion into areas with high demand or specific connectivity needs without extensive infrastructure investment. As a result, 5G installation delivers high-speed internet access to a broader range of locations, including rural and underserved areas, at a lower overall cost than traditional fiber-optic deployments.

5G Internet — Points that Raise Concerns

Privacy and Security Risks:

The widespread deployment of 5G networks raises concerns about data privacy and cybersecurity, as increased connectivity introduces more potential entry points for cyberattacks and unauthorised access to sensitive information.

Health and Environmental Impact:

Some studies suggest that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by 5G infrastructure may adversely affect humans and wildlife, sparking concerns about potential long-term health risks and environmental impact.

Infrastructure and Deployment Challenges:

The rapid rollout of 5G technology faces various infrastructure and deployment challenges, including extensive network densification, spectrum allocation, and regulatory approvals, which may delay widespread adoption and implementation.

Public Perception and Trust:

Public perception of 5G technology varies, with some individuals expressing skepticism or mistrust due to concerns about health risks, privacy infringements, and potential negative impacts on communities and ecosystems. Building public trust and addressing misconceptions is essential for the widespread acceptance and adoption of 5G technology.


  1. Will 5G make fiber obsolete?
    While 5G offers high-speed wireless connectivity, fiber optics will likely remain essential for providing reliable, high-capacity connections, so it’s unlikely to render fiber obsolete in the foreseeable future.
  2. What is the role of fiber optic networks in 5G networks?
    Fiber optic networks play a crucial role in 5G networks by providing high-capacity backhaul connections. They ensure fast and reliable data transmission between cell towers and core network infrastructure, thus supporting the high-speed wireless connectivity promised by 5G technology.