Upgrading your router for better OTT streaming performance

Upgrading your router for better OTT streaming performance

Whether you’re streaming your gameplay on Twitch, binge-watching Netflix, or working from home, there is always limited bandwidth. Everyone may need assistance getting faster internet throughout the house, even if they have gigabyte fiber in their router. Even if you have the best wiring outside your home, you’re primarily responsible for getting rid of slow speeds and Wi-Fi dead spots. Here are some methods for troubleshooting your Wi-Fi to improve its performance inside and outside your house.

  1. Automate a reboot schedule
    Most modern routers don’t require routine rebooting. Yet as most people are aware, if you’ve ever experienced a slow internet connection, often, all it takes to get you back online is to reboot your router. But if you frequently need to reboot the router, set it to do so while you sleep once a day, and you won’t even be aware of the downtime when the router shuts down and restarts.
  2. Make your router faster with a new antenna
    Getting a new antenna is a cheap approach to speed up a router. The majority of routers made for consumers might need an improved aerial. Without a new device, the signal quality can be easily improved (and speed increased) using an amplified aftermarket antenna.
  3. Disable older wireless protocols
    How can router settings be optimised for speed? Turning off outdated wireless protocols is one of your first options. Modern routers that use the 802.11ax standard have capabilities much beyond those of many ISPs. Even while the router may be quick, many of your devices still need to be updated protocols, like 802.11b, which causes the network to slow down as soon as this device connects sluggishly.
  4. Change the channel width
    What about the ideal router configurations to increase network speed locally? For instance, what are some quick ways to transmit video between your devices? Changes to the channel width are frequently necessary for the best router configuration for local speed. Older devices using outdated protocols will experience interference the wider the width.
  5. Update your router
    Ensuring your router is constantly running the most recent software, and firmware from the manufacturer is one of the most underutilised strategies to maximise router speed. Although upgrades frequently include security changes, extra work will be required to make your router blazingly fast.
  6. Change your router’s location
    You must consider where your router is in your home and determine the optimum settings for fast internet. Little movements frequently make a difference because the router competes with every other 2.4GHz and 5GHz device in your vicinity. Also, the wireless signal gets hampered by the materials used to create your home.
  7. Optimise your router’s channel settings
    There are many free tools available that can easily search your local airwaves for media. The best way to change the channel would be through the router’s settings, which they will then recommend.
  8. Switch the router to a different band
    With a dual- or tri-band router, you may divide wireless devices throughout a standard home to increase speeds. But you’re creating an additional network traffic lane. Two (or three) lanes are preferable for everyone concerned, even though a one-lane road will get you there. Instead of all your devices fighting for room in the 2.4GHz band, you may assign them to the additional (and often less congested) 5GHz band if your network has two bands.
  9. Change your network name and password
    With non-default passwords, even intermediate hackers can break into relatively secure networks; thus, selecting a strong Wi-Fi password is equally essential. Even if you divide your devices into different bands, update your firmware, and change channels during high traffic times, it will be fine if your neighbours are using your Wi-Fi for their purposes.
  10. Install new Firmware
    Many routers keep the settings foolproof to prevent mistakes. While most users will find this to be fantastic, there are occasions when you’ll want to go in and tinker with the settings until you’re using a router that costs much more than it does. There are several open-source firmware solutions for some of the most well-known routers.
    This article has shown you how to maximise your router’s speed and identify the best configuration for faster internet. Some steps might sound complicated, but if you take the time to learn and understand the tweaks available, you will increase your router speed in minutes.
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Frequently asked questions

Does upgrading the router increase internet speed?
A quality, new router like Excitel can help maximise your internet speed, while an older one can slow down your connection. However, keep in mind that your internet speed will only be as fast as the plan you pay for, regardless of the type of router you have.

What router settings improve streaming?
The 2.4 GHz band is better for low-intensity internet activities, like browsing. The 5 GHz band works better when you need a much faster connection—for example, using the internet to stream HD video, play online games, or download large files.

How do I get the best performance out of my router?
You can boost your Wi-Fi signal by restarting the router and testing your internet speed. Upgrading your router and adding extenders or an antenna can strengthen your Wi-Fi signal. Common Wi-Fi problems include the ISP, settings, router, and signal blockers.