5 reasons why Fiber internet is essential for remote work and learning

5 reasons why Fiber internet is essential for remote work and learning

Working from home, whether telecommuting for an employer or owning a home-based business, has perks. Benefits such as fewer interruptions, a more balanced work life, and less commuting are just a few reasons why some people gravitate toward remote work and home-based businesses. Furthermore, for some employers, incorporating telecommuting into a company’s work structure often leads to higher productivity in staff turnover and a broader pool from which to choose talent.

Although there are many advantages, work-from-home can be challenging. Small and large businesses overcome many hurdles using fiber optics for their internet connection; home-based companies are the same. You can access information about fiber availability in our area and discover why fiber matters here. Below are a few reasons why fiber connectivity can make working from home less problematic and more productive.

Here are the five reasons why fiber internet is important for remote work and learning

  1. Impervious to weather: With fiber optics, interrupted signals and outages due to inclement weather are a thing of the past. Fiber carries information through light, unlike other types of broadband Internet, making it less prone to the harmful effects of poor weather conditions.
  2. Speed: Fiber offers lightning-fast speeds, making work processes, such as emailing, much quicker. It is also ideal for website connections because delays annoy customers, resulting in lost revenue.
  3. Security: Because each fiber customer has an exclusive connection, there is less disruption and more security. Plus, hacking into a fiber cable to pilfer service is virtually impossible.
  4. Bandwidth symmetry: Uniform upload and download speed are significant assets for those who work from home. Equally balanced speed eliminates the lag time and allows you to transmit data as quickly as it is received. Additionally, with fiber, your speed will not be limited by the number of devices using bandwidth, as fiber provides a nearly unlimited capacity.
  5. Sustainability: Fiber is an adaptable technology that can accommodate multiple devices simultaneously and future innovations within the telecommunications industry.

Whether you own a home-based business or work for a company with flexible work options, fiber internet will provide the connection you need to get the job done. Contact Excitel for the fastest internet in your city.


Is fiber internet good for working from home?
Yes, fiber internet offers lightning-fast speeds, making work processes, such as emailing, much quicker. It is also ideal for website connections because delays annoy customers, resulting in lost revenue.

What are the key advantages of fiber networks over cable?
Here are the key advantages of a fiber network over cable:

  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • No throttling
  • Same rate for download and upload
  • Higher quality
  • Better gameplay
  • Connecting with multiple devices

What are the benefits of fiber internet?
Fiber uses light to transfer data rather than electricity, enabling faster internet connections to handle more bandwidth.