Internet of Things (IoT) and AI: Unlocking the potential of connected devices

Internet of Things (IoT) and AI: Unlocking the potential of connected devices

IoT has been used in industries lately. But do you know what it is? Here’s a simplified version of what IoT means.

Understanding IoT

What is IoT?
IoT is the physical things embedded in sensors, software, and other technologies for connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. It includes ordinary things you have at home and complex tools used for professional purposes.

How does IoT work?

The IoT ecosystem comprises tech-enabled smart devices that use embedded systems like processors, communication systems, and sensors to collect, send and act on data they acquire from their environments. Apart from the connected devices in the same system, these IoT devices can also communicate with external systems to collect the required information. Simply put, IoT helps business owners increase their value and potential if they monitor their competitors and other factors, helpful to make them sustainable. This is where AI comes into play, which makes these IoT devices smarter than before.

The role of AI in IoT
The primary reason for the increase in IoT is how it helps everyone to analyse data. However, storing all this data for the future and using it effectively can be challenging. You can understand through this why IoT needs AI. No matter how sophisticated the cloud storage applications are, storing and transferring this, whenever necessary, has become difficult. AI lets professionals use this data and analyse futuristic patterns.

Benefits of combining AI and IoT

Avoiding downtime

Manufacturing industries like oil and gas companies can incur losses when machinery is damaged. Since this issue can become a global issue, AI in IoT can predict the damages earlier, which reduces the loss and time involved in this process.

Increasing operational efficiency
Identifying a specific pattern in data collection can take time and effort to develop new strategies for growth. AI helps organizations make informed decisions.

Enabling new and improved products
Natural language processing is constantly improving to improve communication between humans and computers. AI in IoT can enhance new or existing products and services by allowing for better data processing and analytics.

Enhanced risk management
Risk management is always challenging, as it brings new challenges daily in the changing market. AI with IoT can use data to predict risks and prioritise the right response, improving employee safety, mitigating cyber threats, and minimising financial losses.

Where else is IoT employed?

Manufacturing involves innovations with the latest technologies. AI in IoT takes lots of data insights that offer predictive analysis, which can help in warehouse inventory, maintenance, and production.

Sales and marketing
Sales and marketing involve understanding consumer behaviour to improve customer satisfaction, working on new cashing and delivery systems that can help businesses increase web traffic, and providing personalised marketing strategies.

Healthcare industry
No matter how efficient the hospital management is, many patients will be waiting to be admitted to famous hospitals, which increases the frustration of not getting healthcare and attention immediately. AI is used in their IoT technologies to accommodate new patients and deliver spot-on attention to them.

You can also make your home and business tech-enabled and smart by installing IoT devices. IoT requires super-fast internet connectivity, and you can’t find a better solution than Excitel’s high-speed fiber internet! Visit our website to learn more about our plans.


  1. What is the connection between AI and IoT?
    IoT collects data, while AI analyses it to simulate smart behaviour and decision-making processes.
  2. What can we achieve through IoT and AI together?
    Information security, manufacturing, sales and marketing – everything related to industries can be improved by IoT and AI together.
  3. How are IoT devices connected to the internet?
    IoT devices connect to a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server and acquire an IP address that the device can use to function on the network. Some IoT devices can be directly accessed over the public internet, but most are designed to operate on private networks only.
  4. How do IoT devices use AI to enhance security?
    AI targets the attacking systems and runs them through its server to identify the patterns, establishing new and improved security systems.